Bobbie was a huge part of my life when my girls were little, unfortunately we lost touch for quite a few years but she still meant as much to me as all though years ago. The lady with the big heart and smile
Janice Bergman
14th August 2022
I will miss Bobbie more than words can say. She was always a servant hearted person, constantly running around on behalf of others. I have such fond memories of the City Church Resource Group, which she led - catering for large weddings and church events. We had so many laughs along the way. Bobbie loved people and people loved her. Her devotion to her family was second to none and I learned so much from her. She was an amazing mum and grandma, and also a beautiful friend. I will miss our chats so much. Bobbie endured many trials with her health, but she bore them with dignity, choosing to stay positive. She never gave up. Life was for living. Bobbie is now with her Saviour - her eternal reward. She truly was ‘a good and faithful servant’
Mandy Campbell
11th August 2022
Her beautiful smile, through which her whole personality shone. A caring, cheerful person who always looked out for others who needed that smile to help lift them. I remember whenever I was at City Church she would say hi, share a few moments and leave me blessed by her smile and strong faith.
7th August 2022